Simulations fixed effects

In this document, I run a simulation exercise to illustrate that, under some circumstances, adding fixed effects to a model can lead to a loss in power and inflated effect sizes. To make these simulations realistic, I emulate a typical study estimating the impact of high temperatures on worker productivity.


As discussed in the introduction of the paper and the math section, controlling for confounders can cause a confounding / exaggeration trade-off mediated by the proportion of the variation absorbed by the controls. Adjusting for a variable (\(w\)) or adding fixed effects is equivalent to partialling out this variable or fixed effects from both \(x\) and \(y\). Since the variance of the estimator is given by the ratio of the variance of the residuals \(\sigma_{y^{\perp x, w}}^2\) over \(n\) times the variance of the explanatory variable after partialling out \(w\) (\(\sigma_{x^{\perp w}}^2\)), if controlling absorbs more of the variance in \(x\) than in \(y\), it will increase the variance of the resulting estimator and create exaggeration.

Simulation Framework

Illustrative example

To illustrate this causal exaggeration and show that it can arise in realistic settings, let’s consider an example setting: the impact of high temperatures on worker productivity. This setting might be particularly relevant as time and location fixed-effects are likely more correlated with temperature than with residual productivity. In addition, since this type of analysis focuses on effects in the tail of the temperature distribution, we may expect statistical power to be low: only a small subset of the observations contribute to the estimation of the treatment effect.

Lai et al. (2023) reviews this literature. Somanathan et al. (2021) and LoPalo (2023) have explored this question in the context of manufacturing in India and production of data for Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in a large range of countries respectively. Other examples of studies that leverage micro-data at the worker level study the impacts of high temperature on blueberry picking in California Stevens (2017), factory worker productivity in China (Cai, Lu, and Wang 2018), archers in China Qiu and Zhao (2022) or errors made by tennis players (Burke et al. 2023). Other studies also leverage micro-data to study the impact of temperature on productivity but at the firm-level Cachon, Gallino, and Olivares (2012)

Even though not exactly belonging to this literature, Heyes and Saberian (2019) provides a nice illustration of the phenomenon of interest. They show that US immigration judges are less likely to give decision that are favorable to the applicant on hotter days. In their table 3, comparing specifications with different level of fixed effects, we can see that the more FEs (and actually the more correlated with temperature), the larger the p-values:

In the present analysis, I build my simulations to emulate a canonical study from this literature, measuring the impact of high temperature on worker productivity. A typical approach consists in estimating the link between different temperature bins and productivity, focusing in particular on high temperature bins. Usual approaches to explore this question typically rely on High Dimensional Fixed Effects models, including time and location fixed-effects to adjust for invariant characteristics such as seasonal demand (in Somanathan et al. (2021) and Cai, Lu, and Wang (2018) for instance) or location differences. As underlined by LoPalo (2023), fixed effects limit the variation used for identification: location “fixed effects restrict the variation used in the analysis to variation within a survey wave [i.e., a time ”period”]”.

Modeling choices

Overview of the DGP

To simplify and since negative effects of temperature on production are only found for high temperatures, in the DGP, I assume that only high temperatures affect productivity (the effect of low temperatures therefore does not need to be modeled). For simplicity, I only consider time fixed-effects and abstract from location ones. This is equivalent to assuming that all the individuals in the analysis work in locations that experience the same contemporaneous weather, e.g., are close to one another. Regardless, location fixed effect would be absorbed by the individual fixed-effects in include in the analysis.

The DGP can be represented using the following Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where \(InBin\) represents high temperatures within a given temperature bin of interest, such that \(InBin = \mathbb{1}\{Temp \in (T_L,T_H ] \}\) where \((T_L,T_H ]\) is the temperature bin of interest.

Show code
second_color <- str_sub(colors_mediocre[["four_colors"]], 10, 16)

dagify(Prod ~ InBin + Period + u + Indiv,
       Temp ~ Period + e,
       InBin ~ Temp,
       exposure = c("Prod", "Temp", "InBin", "Period", "Indiv"),
       # outcome = "w",
       latent = c("u", "e"),
       coords = list(
         x = c(Prod = 3, Temp = 2, InBin = 2.5, Period = 2.5, e = 1.5, u = 3, Indiv = 3),
         y = c(Prod = 1, Temp = 1, InBin = 1, Period = 0, e = 1, u = 1.5, Indiv = 0))
  ) |> 
  ggdag_status(text_size = 3.5) +
  theme_dag_blank(base_family = "Lato", legend.position = "none") +
  scale_mediocre_d(pal = "coty") + 
    x = c(2.75, 2.8, 2.2), 
    y = c(1.1, 0.45, 0.45), 
    label = c("beta", "delta", "gamma"),
    parse = TRUE,
    color = "black",
    size = 5

Individual production (\(Prod\)) and temperature (\(Temp\)) depend on period fixed effects (\(Period\)), individual fixed effects (\(Indiv\)) and non-modeled components (\(u\) and \(e\)). Note that this DAG encompasses a set of further modeling choices, in particular regarding the absence of causal relationships between some variables.

Discussion of modeling choices

Other variables than individual or period fixed effects and high temperatures may affect productivity (precipitation for instance). I do not model them to simplify the data generating process. While this may limit the representativity of my simulations, it does not affect its results since the models I consider accurately represent the data generating process. Including additional controls may however increase the precision of the resulting estimator. To address such concerns, I include individual fixed effects which intensity I can vary to adjust the non-explained variation in productivity. In addition, at the end of this document, I compare the Signal-to-Noise Ratios in my simulations to those in existing studies to confirm that my simulations are in line with existing studies in terms of precision.

I do not generate correlation between periods. While this may seem restrictive, it is a conservative assumption as it eases the recovery of the effect of interest by simplifying the actual DGP.

Finally, I assume that the effect of temperature on productivity is non-null in only one of the bins, as it is often the case in existing studies.

DGP equations

I assume that the temperature at time \(t\) in period \(\tau\) is defined as follows:

\[Temp_{t\tau} = \mu_{Temp} + \gamma\lambda_{\tau} + \epsilon_{t}\]

where \(\mu_{Temp}\) is an intercept representing the average temperature. \(\lambda_{\tau}\) are period fixed-effects with mean 0 and variance 1, such that their variance can be modified via \(\gamma\). This particular structure of fixed effects allows to control for the intensity of the fixed effects via a parameter. It assumes that the data generating process for temperature is as follows:

  1. Observations are drawn for all the time indexes (e.g. days) from a distribution shared across period (e.g. months): \(\epsilon\)
  2. These distributions are “shifted” period-by-period by adding period fixed-effects—drawn from a distribution with mean 0, leaving the average of temperature unchanged—: \(\gamma\lambda_{\tau}\).

This is equivalent to assuming that the variance of temperature can be decomposed into a between-months component and a within-month one. This is quite representative of the distribution of existing temperatures, as discussed below. The same structure is retained for productivity.

\(Prod_{it\tau}\), the production of worker \(i\) at time \(t\) in period \(\tau\) is defined as:

\[Prod_{it\tau} = \beta_0 + \eta_i + \delta\lambda_{\tau} + \beta_1 \cdot \mathbb{1}\{Temp_{t\tau} \in (T_L,T_H ] \} + u_{it}\] where \(\eta_i\) are individual fixed-effects. \(\lambda_{\tau}\) are period (month) fixed-effects.

DGP and varying parmeters

The goal of these simulations is to vary the proportion of the variation in temperature and production the period fixed-effect explain (i.e., to vary \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\) to modify the month-to-month variation in temperature and production). However, to make results across parameter sets comparable and these variations ceteris paribus, it is crucial that varying \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\) does not affect the variance of the temperature within the bin of interest and production (our \(x\) and \(y\) in the regression). I therefore fix the variance of temperature and productivity by defining the non-modeled variance, i.e., the variance of the residuals, as a function of \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\). Since the variance of interest for \(x\) is actually the variance within a bin and not temperature itself, I consider bins of interest that are closed. That way, the variance remains relatively stable when \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\) vary (it is very roughly equal to the variance of a uniform distribution defined over the width of the bin).

As discussed in the maths section of the paper, the omitted variable bias is also a function of \(\delta\) and \(\gamma\): \(OVB = \dfrac{\delta \gamma \sigma_{\lambda}^{2}}{\sigma_{InBin}^{2}}\). Thus, to keep the OVB constant when \(\gamma\) varies, I set \(\kappa = \delta\gamma\) to be fixed.

Details on parameters and variables

More precisely, I set:

Data generation

Generating function

I write a simple function that generates the data. It takes as input the values of the different parameters and returns a data frame containing all the variables for this analysis.

Note that I use the truncnorm package to compute the theoretical mean and variance of high temperature (as they are drawn from a truncated normal).

generate_data_fe <- function(N_i,
                             kappa) {

  delta <- kappa/gamma
  data <- 
    tibble(t = 1:N_t) |> 
    mutate(period = t %/% length_period_fe + 1) |> 
    group_by(period) |>
    mutate(period_fe = runif(1, -sqrt(3), sqrt(3))) |>
    # mutate(period_fe = 3*(rbeta(1, 0.5, 0.5) - 1/2)) |>
    ungroup() |>
      sigma_epsilon = sqrt(sigma_temp^2 - gamma^2),
      epsilon = rnorm(N_t, 0, sigma_epsilon),
      temp = mu_temp + gamma*period_fe + epsilon,
      bin_temp = cut(temp, breaks = c(-50, seq(11, 35, 2), 100)),
      bin_temp = fct_relevel(bin_temp, 
                             str_c("(", bin_ref_low, ",", bin_ref_low + 2,"]"), 
                             after = 0),
      bin_interest = str_c("(", bin_interest_low, ",", bin_interest_low + 2,"]")
    ) |>
    crossing(indiv = 1:N_i) |> 
    group_by(indiv) |> 
    mutate(indiv_fe = rnorm(1, 0, sigma_indiv_fe)) |> 
    ungroup() |> 
      sigma_u = sqrt(
        - sigma_indiv_fe^2
        - delta^2
        - beta_1^2*0.3 #roughly var of a uniform distribution of width 2
        - 2*kappa*beta_1 #NEEDS TO BE CHANGED
      u = rnorm(N_i*N_t, 0, sigma_u),
      prod = mu_prod + beta_1*(bin_temp == bin_interest) + 
        indiv_fe + delta*period_fe + u
    ) |> 
    select(indiv, t, period, everything(), -starts_with("sigma"))


Calibration and baseline parameters’ values

I set baseline values for the parameters to emulate a realistic observational study in this field. These values are coherent with several analyses from the literature. However, not all analyses in this literature suffer from the issue discussed here but some likely do. I focus on such settings. I thus calibrate the parameters as follows:

N_i N_t length_period_fe mu_temp sigma_temp mu_prod sigma_prod bin_interest_low bin_ref_low sigma_indiv_fe beta_1 gamma kappa
70 700 30 17.5 9 100 50 29 11 25 -4 7.4 -15

Here is an example of data created with the data generating process and baseline parameter values, for 4 individuals and 2 period of 1 time steps each:

indiv t period period_fe epsilon temp bin_temp bin_interest indiv_fe u prod
1 1 2 -1.49 8.08 14.54 (13,15] (29,31] -23.00 -26.25 53.77
2 1 2 -1.49 8.08 14.54 (13,15] (29,31] -49.94 -4.45 48.63
3 1 2 -1.49 8.08 14.54 (13,15] (29,31] -6.81 17.89 114.10
4 1 2 -1.49 8.08 14.54 (13,15] (29,31] -7.88 -32.50 62.64
1 2 3 1.10 -4.90 20.75 (19,21] (29,31] -23.00 -54.07 20.70
2 2 3 1.10 -4.90 20.75 (19,21] (29,31] -49.94 -32.58 15.25
3 2 3 1.10 -4.90 20.75 (19,21] (29,31] -6.81 0.50 91.46
4 2 3 1.10 -4.90 20.75 (19,21] (29,31] -7.88 -6.37 83.52

Quick data exploration

I quickly explore a generated data set to get a sense of how the data is distributed and to make sure that the calibration has been done properly.

Show code
ex_data_fe <- baseline_param_fe |> 
  pmap(generate_data_fe) |> 

vars_of_interest <- c("prod", "temp", "indiv_fe", "period_fe", "u", "epsilon")

ex_data_fe |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = vars_of_interest) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = value)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 20) +
  # geom_density() +
  facet_wrap(~ name, scales = "free") + 
    title = "Distribution of the variables in the data set",
    x = "Variable value",
    y = "Density"
Show code
means <- ex_data_fe |> 
    .cols = vars_of_interest,
    \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  )) |> 
  mutate(metric = "Mean", .before = 1)

sds <- ex_data_fe |> 
    .cols = vars_of_interest,
    \(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  )) |> 
  mutate(metric = "Sd", .before = 1)

bind_rows(means, sds) |> 
metric prod temp indiv_fe period_fe u epsilon
Mean 95.47995 18.360584 -4.168381 0.1376458 0.1330608 -0.1579947
Sd 49.32695 9.000084 25.927697 0.9876026 41.8476039 4.8571961

This looks like the desired distributions as well as do the means and standard deviations. Note that the mean of the individual fixed effects is not perfectly 0 but they are negligible as compared to the means of the other variables and as compared to their standard deviations.

I then check that the distribution of temperature and its yearly variations are sensible and that they are consistent with distributions observed in actual settings.

First, I explore the distribution of temperature month by month for a simulated data set, for the two extreme values of gamma considered. I define month by grouping periods into 12 groups, based on the value of their fixed effects.

Show code
graph_ridge_sim <- function(gamma_plot) {
  baseline_param_fe |> 
    mutate(gamma = gamma_plot, N_i = 1, N_t = 10000)  |> 
    pmap(generate_data_fe) |> 
    list_rbind() |> 
    mutate(gamma = gamma_plot) |> 
    group_by(period = as.factor(period)) |> 
    mutate(mean_temp = mean(temp)) |> 
    ungroup() |> 
    arrange(mean_temp) |> 
    nest(nst = -period) |>
    mutate(month = cut_number(row_number(), n = 12, labels = FALSE)) |>
    unnest(nst) |>
    # arrange(mean_temp) |>
    ggplot(aes(x = temp, y = as_factor(month))) +
      fill = colors_mediocre[["base"]],
      color = colors_mediocre[["base"]],
      alpha = 0.5
    ) +
    xlim(c(-20, 50)) +
      title = "Distribution of Generated Temperatures by Month",
      subtitle = paste(
        "For gamma =", gamma_plot, ", ie",
        round(gamma_plot^2/baseline_param_fe$sigma_temp^2, 3)*100, "%",
        "of variance from month-to-month variation"),
      x = "Temperature (°C)",
      y = "Month Index"

Show code

Then, I compare these generated distribution to some observed in actual settings. To do so, I retrieve wet bulb temperature data in the US from Spangler, Liang, and Wellenius (2022). I wrangle it and focus San Diego and New York counties. I pick these counties because they respectively exhibit large and small variations in month-to-month temperature. Many other counties exhibit similar patterns.

Show code to wrangle the data
fips_interest <- tibble(
  county_name = c("New York", "San Diego"),
  fips = c("36061", "06073")

temp_data <- readRDS(here("misc", "temp_data.Rds")) |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
  janitor::clean_names() |> 
  # filter(year > 2015) |>
  select(fips = st_co_fips, date, tmax_c, wbg_tmax_c) |> 
    month = month(date),
    year = year(date)
  ) |> 
  group_by(month, fips) |> 
  mutate(mean_wbg = mean(wbg_tmax_c, na.rm = TRUE)) |> 

small_temp_data <- temp_data |> 
  right_join(fips_interest, by = join_by(fips))

saveRDS(small_temp_data, here("Outputs", "small_temp_data.RDS"))
Show code to make the graphs
small_temp_data <- readRDS(here("Outputs", "small_temp_data.RDS"))

graph_ridge_actual <- function(data, county) {
  data |> 
    filter(county_name == county) |>
    group_by(fips) |> 
      month = month(month, label = TRUE) |> 
    ) |> 
    ungroup() |> 
    ggplot(aes(x = tmax_c, y = month)) + 
      fill = colors_mediocre[["base"]],
      color = colors_mediocre[["base"]],
      alpha = 0.5
    ) +
    xlim(c(-20, 40)) +
      title = "Distribution of Observed Temperatures by Month",
      subtitle = paste("In the", county, "county"),
      x = "Temperature (°C)",
      y = "Month"

small_temp_data |> 
  graph_ridge_actual("New York")
Show code to make the graphs
    small_temp_data |> 
  graph_ridge_actual("San Diego")

The simulated distributions are not perfectly similar to the observed ones but display comparable features: the month-to-month variation in temperature in New York county is important while it is limited in San Diego county. While the simulations are not perfectly realistic, they reproduce patterns observed in actual settings, even just within the US1.


I then define a function to run the estimations (with and without fixed effects).

estimate_fe <- function(data) {
  reg_fe <- 
      data = data, 
      fml = prod ~ bin_temp | period + indiv,
      cluster = ~ indiv
    ) |> 
    broom::tidy()  |>
    mutate(model = "fe")
  reg_no_fe <- 
      data = data, 
      fml = prod ~ bin_temp | indiv, 
      cluster = ~ indiv
    ) |>
    broom::tidy() |>
    mutate(model = "no_fe") 
  bind_rows(reg_fe, reg_no_fe) |> 
    filter(term == str_c("bin_temp", unique(data$bin_interest))) |>
    rename(p_value = p.value, se = std.error) |> 
    mutate(#to check that the variance of x and y do not vary with gamma
      var_in_bin = data |> 
        filter(bin_temp == unique(data$bin_interest)) |> 
        pull(temp) |> 
        var(na.rm = TRUE),
      var_prod = var(data$prod, na.rm = TRUE)

Here is an example of an output of this function:

term estimate se statistic p_value model var_in_bin var_prod
bin_temp(29,31] -2.331272 1.437131 -1.622172 0.1093274 fe 0.4053075 2519.402
bin_temp(29,31] -5.773004 1.251857 -4.611552 0.0000178 no_fe 0.4053075 2519.402

One simulation

We can now run a simulation, combining generate_data_fe and estimate_fe. To do so I create the function compute_sim_fe.

Show code
compute_sim_fe <- function(...) {
  generate_data_fe(...) |> 
    estimate_fe() |> 
    suppressMessages() |>
    bind_cols(as_tibble(list(...))) #add parameters used for generation

Here is an example of an output of this function.

term estimate se statistic p_value model var_in_bin var_prod N_i N_t length_period_fe mu_temp sigma_temp mu_prod sigma_prod bin_interest_low bin_ref_low sigma_indiv_fe beta_1 gamma kappa
bin_temp(29,31] -3.528378 1.256971 -2.807048 0.0064942 fe 0.2729781 2270.595 70 700 30 17.5 9 100 50 29 11 25 -4 7.4 -15
bin_temp(29,31] -5.787941 1.227412 -4.715566 0.0000122 no_fe 0.2729781 2270.595 70 700 30 17.5 9 100 50 29 11 25 -4 7.4 -15

All simulations

I run the simulations for different sets of parameters by looping the compute_sim_fe function over the set of parameters. I thus create a table with all the values of the parameters to test, param_fe. Note that in this table each set of parameters appears n_iter times as we want to run the analysis \(n_{iter}\) times for each set of parameters.

n_iter <- 1000
vect_gamma <- c(6:8, seq(8.2, 8.8, 0.2), 8.9) #cannot be more than sigma_temp 

param_fe <- baseline_param_fe |> 
  crossing(rep_id = 1:n_iter) |>
  select(-gamma) |> 
  crossing(gamma = vect_gamma) |>  

I then run the simulations by looping our compute_sim_fe function on param_fe using the purrr package (pmap function).

sim_fe <- pmap(param_fe, compute_sim_fe, .progress = TRUE) |> 
  list_rbind(names_to = "sim_id") |> 


saveRDS(sim_fe, here("Outputs", "sim_fe.RDS"))

Analysis of the results

Quick exploration

First, I quickly explore the results. I plot the distribution of the estimated effect sizes.

Show code
sim_fe <- readRDS(here("Outputs", "sim_fe.RDS"))

sim_fe |> 
    signif = p_value < 0.05,
    signif_name = ifelse(signif, "Significant", "Non-significant"),
    model_name = ifelse(model == "fe", "FE", "No FE")
  ) |> 
  group_by(gamma, model) |> 
    mean_signif = mean(ifelse(signif, estimate, NA), na.rm = TRUE),
    mean_all = mean(estimate, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = estimate/beta_1, fill = signif_name)) + 
  geom_histogram() + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1, linetype = "solid") +
    aes(xintercept = mean_all/beta_1), 
    linetype = "dashed"
  ) +
    aes(xintercept = mean_signif/beta_1), 
    linetype = "solid",
    color = "#976B21"
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 6)) +
  facet_grid(model_name ~ gamma, switch = "x") +
  coord_flip() + 
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL) +
    title = "Distribution of FE estimates from 1000 simulated datasets",
    subtitle = "Conditional on significativity",
    x = expression(paste(frac("Estimate", "True Effect"))),
    y = "Gamma",
    fill = NULL

The fixed effects estimator is unbiased and recover, on average, the true effect while the OVB one is biased and does not recovers it. However, since the distribution of the estimator widens with gamma (and power becomes low), conditioning on significance yield different results: including omitted fixed effects can create an exaggeration bias:

Computing bias and exaaggeration ratio

We want to compare \(\mathbb{E}\left[ \left| \frac{\widehat{\beta_{no FE}}}{\beta_1} | \text{signif} \right|\right]\) and \(\mathbb{E}\left[ \left| \frac{\widehat{\beta_{FE}}}{\beta_1} \right| | \text{signif} \right]\). The first term represents the bias and the second term represents the exaggeration ratio.

To do so, I use the function summmarise_sim defined in the functions.R file.

I scale the varying parameter (\(\gamma\)) so that the parameters of interest is more legible and is the proportion of the variation in temperature that is explained by the period fixed-effects.

source(here("functions.R"), echo = TRUE, local = knitr::knit_global())

> summarise_sim <- function(data, varying_params, true_effect) {
+     ungroup(summarise(group_by(data %>% mutate(signif = (p_value <= 
+         0.05 .... [TRUNCATED] 

> summary_power <- function(data, lint_names = FALSE) {
+     summary_power <- round(summarise(data, median_exagg = median(type_m), 
+         `3rd_qu .... [TRUNCATED] 
summary_sim_fe <- sim_fe |> 
  mutate(prop_fe_var = gamma^2/sigma_temp^2) |>
    varying_params = c(prop_fe_var, model), 
    true_effect = unique(beta_1)

saveRDS(summary_sim_fe, here("Outputs/summary_sim_fe.RDS"))

Main graph

I then build the main graph of this analysis, describing

Show the code used to generate the graph
main_graph <- summary_sim_fe |>
    model_name = ifelse(model == "fe", "Fixed Effects", "No Fixed Effects")
  ) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = prop_fe_var, y = type_m, color = model_name)) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1.2) +
  scale_mediocre_d() +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 7)) +
    x = "Proportion of the variance in X explained by the FEs",
    y = expression(paste("Average  ", frac("|Estimate|", "|True Effect|"))),
    color = "Model"

main_graph +
    title = "Evolution of bias with the correlation between X and FEs",
    subtitle = "For statistically significant estimates, 1000 simulations",

Further checks

Variance of the variables

I quickly check that the variance of the dependent and independent variables do not vary with gamma:

Show code
sim_fe |> 
  group_by(gamma) |> 
    var_in_bin = mean(var_in_bin, na.rm = TRUE),
    var_prod = mean(var_prod, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) |> 
    col.names = c("Gamma", "Variance Temperature (in bin)", "Variance Produciton"),
    digits = 2
Gamma Variance Temperature (in bin) Variance Produciton
6.0 0.32 2367.68
7.0 0.32 2369.99
8.0 0.32 2364.01
8.2 0.32 2373.17
8.4 0.32 2369.88
8.6 0.32 2371.78
8.8 0.31 2367.77
8.9 0.32 2367.72

Representativeness of the estimation

I calibrated the simulations to emulate a typical study from this literature. To further check that the results are realistic, I compare the average Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the simulations to the range of SNR of an existing study.

In Somanathan et al. (2021), the SNR (in table 2) varies between 0.17 and 3.75. In LoPalo (2023), in table 2, 3, 5 and A4, the SNR for the estimates of interest varies between 0.5 and 4 (and actually even 0.03 for South Asia in the heterogenity analysis). Stevens (2017) report SNR varying between 0.5 and 2.5 (in table 2).

The SNR for the FE model in my simulations are as follow:

Show code
summary_sim_fe |> 
  filter(model == "fe") |> 
  select(prop_fe_var, median_snr, type_m) |> 
    digits = 2,
    col.names = c("", "Median SNR", "Exaggeration Ratio")
Median SNR Exaggeration Ratio
0.44 3.09 1.09
0.60 2.92 1.09
0.79 2.63 1.17
0.83 2.40 1.22
0.87 2.28 1.25
0.91 2.01 1.41
0.96 1.43 1.76
0.98 1.18 2.28

My simulations therefore display SNRs that are in line with many of those observed in the literature.

Burke, Marshall, Vincent Tanutama, Sam Heft-Neal, Miyuki Hino, and David Lobell. 2023. “Game, Sweat, Match: Temperature and Elite Worker Productivity.” Working {{Paper}}. Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research.
Cachon, Gerard P., Santiago Gallino, and Marcelo Olivares. 2012. “Severe Weather and Automobile Assembly Productivity.” {{SSRN Scholarly Paper}}. Rochester, NY.
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  1. Month-to-month variation is probably even more limited in other countries and settings.↩︎
