Retrospective Analysis of the Epidemiology Literature Using Meta-Analyses Results

In this document, we explore the relationship between the reported estimated effect sizes of air pollutants on health outcomes and the precision of these estimates in the epidemiology literature. Since our automated search of the literature does not allow us to easily standardize estimates, we rely on two recently published meta-analysis by Orellano et al. (2020) and Shah et al. (2015) whose data are openly available:

Compared to the causal inference literature on this topic, the “standard” epidemiology literature is much more homogeneous since it has produced many studies with very similar designs (i.e., same statistical model, same specification, same health outcome, etc.).

For each study of these two datasets, we also compute their statistical power, type M and S errors using the results of the meta-analysis as guesses for the true effect sizes of an air pollutant on an health outcome.

Loading Packages and Data

Show the packages used
packages <- c(
  # "vincentbagilet/mediocrethemes"

# groundhog.library(packages, "2022-11-28")
lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE)

set_mediocre_all(pal = "leo")

We open the two meta-analysis datasets and clean them.

Show code
data_orellano_2020 <-
  )) |> 
  janitor::clean_names() |> 
  # remove studies using the one hour maximum concentration of no2
  mutate(time_period = ifelse(, "unknown", time_period)) |> 
  filter(time_period != "1 hr") |> 
    unit_measurement = unit_of_measurement,
    cause_death = cause_of_death,
    point_estimate = "single_pollutant_effect_estimate",
    lower_bound_ci = "single_pollutant_lower_interval_limit_95_percent_ci",
    upper_bound_ci = "single_pollutant_higher_interval_limit_95_percent_ci"
  ) |> 
  mutate(year = str_extract(article, "[[:digit:]]+") %>% as.numeric(.))

data_shah_2015 <-
  readxl::read_excel(here::here("data", "meta_analyses_epi", "meta_analysis_shah_2015.xlsx")) %>%
  mutate(air_pollutant = str_to_upper(air_pollutant))

Orellano et al. (2020) Meta-Analysis

We start by exploring the studies gathered by Orellano et al. (2020) on the short-term associations between air pollutants and mortality for all causes and specific causes. We first select studies focusing mortality for all ages and sexes. We then compute our metric for precision, which the inverse of the standard error, and also calculate the width of the 95% confidence intervals:

Relative Risks versus Precision

We plot below the relationship between estimated relative risks for all-cause mortality and precision for each air pollutant (N=176 estimates):

We draw the same initial graph but for respiratory mortality (N=56 estimates):

We draw the same previous graph but now for cardiovascular mortality (N=64 estimates):

Evolution of Precision over Time

We plot below the mean width of 95% confidence intervals over time for estimated relative risks of all-cause mortality:

95% CI Width as a Percentage of Estimated Relative Risk

We finally display the distribution of the 95% CI width expressed as percentage of the estimated relative risk.

Pollutant Mean Standard Deviation Minum Maximum
NO2 9 % 23.9 % 0.3 % 138.6 %
O3 5 % 12.1 % 0.1 % 71.2 %
PM10 3.5 % 8.3 % 0.1 % 59.3 %
PM2.5 7.5 % 15.3 % 0.1 % 74.6 %

Results on PM\(_{10}\) are the more precise.

Computing Statistical Power, Type M and S errors

We compute in this section the statistical power, the probability to make a Type S error and the exaggeration factor (the average Type M error) for studies included in the meta-analysis. As a guess for the true effect size of each study, we extract the meta-analysis estimates displayed in the Table 1 of the article. We then rely on the package to compute the statistical power, type M and S error.

Two important remarks: * We had to convert the estimates as percentage increases because the retrodesign() function does not work with relative risks (assuming a linear relationship, Orellano et al. (2020) use the following formula: Percentage Increase = (RR-1)$$100). * We only consider studies that were initially deemed statistically significant at the 5% level.

We display below the median of the three metrics by air pollutant:

Air Pollutant Cause of Death Number of Studies Statistical Power (%) Type M Error Type S Error (%)
PM10 Cerebrovascular 8 20 3 2
PM10 Respiratory 9 20 2 1
PM10 Cardiovascular 14 22 2 0
PM10 All-cause 31 36 2 0
NO2 All-cause 25 46 1 0
O3 All-cause 22 63 1 0
PM2.5 Cardiovascular 11 67 1 0
PM2.5 Cerebrovascular 2 69 1 0
PM2.5 Respiratory 6 90 1 0
PM2.5 All-cause 11 92 1 0

Shah et al. (2015) Meta-Analysis

In this section, we analyse the studies gathered by Shah et al. (2015) on the link between short-term exposure to air pollution and stroke hospital admission or mortality. As for the previous dataset, we compute our measure of precision and the width of 95% confidence intervals:

Relative Risks versus Precision

We plot below the relationship between estimated relative risks and precision for each air pollutant:

We plot the same figure but for estimated relative risks below 2:

Evolution of Precision over Time

We plot below the mean width of 95% confidence intervals over time for estimated relative risks:

95% CI Width as a Percentage of Estimated Relative Risk

We finally display the distribution of the 95% CI width expressed as percentage of the estimated relative risk.

Pollutant Mean Standard Deviation Minum Maximum
CO 35.9 % 40.6 % 0.7 % 158.2 %
NO2 17.2 % 25.2 % 0.8 % 149.6 %
O3 6.3 % 10.7 % 0 % 64.9 %
PM10 5.5 % 9.1 % 0 % 46.3 %
PM2.5 7.2 % 12.6 % 0 % 55.1 %
SO2 32.1 % 42.8 % 1.8 % 187.6 %

Computing Statistical Power, Type M and S errors

As a guess for the true effect size of each study, we extract the meta-analysis estimates displayed in the Figure 1 of the article. We then rely on the package to compute the statistical power, type M and S error.

We display below the median of the three metrics by air pollutant:

Air Pollutant Statistical Power (%) Type M Error Type S Error (%)
CO 41 10 11
NO2 42 3 5
O3 18 17 28
PM10 39 7 9
PM2.5 83 3 3
SO2 50 2 1

We display below the distribution of the exaggeration ratio by air pollutant: