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This vignette illustrates how to build xaringan slides in a style consistent with mediocrethemes. This is simply an application of the xaringanthemer package.

This vignette assumes that you are familiar with xaringan slides. If not, please refer to this presentation by Yihui Xie, the creator of the xaringan package.

Preview of the styles

Before anything, here are examples of the type of slides this theme can produce:

Simple use

To build similar a mediocre/xaringan template, you simply need to add this to the YAML header of your slides:

    # self_contained: true
    css: mediocre-themer.css
      countIncrementalSlides: no
      highlightLines: yes
      highlightStyle: github
      ratio: '16:9'
      titleSlideClass: [right, middle, inverse]

And this to your set up chunk:

You are all set!

Note that countIncrementalSlides, highlightLines and highlightStyle are not necessary. However, ratio is necessary as font sizes are defined for 16:9 slides. Also note, to be able to use this xaringan theme without internet connection, you may want to locally install the Google Fonts Lato, Josefin Sans and Source Code Pro. This is however not required.

You can use the palette of your choice. Also note that you may also need to add knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.showtext = TRUE) to your set up chunk for the fonts to work properly.

Xaringan html slides are not self-contained. Setting self_contained: true enables to make them so.

Example .Rmd file

Here is an example of a minimal .Rmd slide file:

title: "A very nice title"
subtitle: "<br />"
author: "Jeffrey Lebowski"
date: "April 34, 2103"
    # self_contained: true
    lib_dir: libs
    css: mediocre-themer.css
      countIncrementalSlides: no
      highlightLines: yes
      highlightStyle: github
      ratio: '16:9'
      titleSlideClass: [right, middle, inverse]

```{r themer, include=FALSE}

xaringan_mediocre(pal = "coty")

# Lipsum latin words

- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, **sed sed sapien ac aliquam sollicitudin dapibus**.

- Ut elementum **efficitur penatibus**, taciti diam risus, donec.

Mediocrethemes plots in slides

By default, the xaringan_mediocre function is built to generate plots in the mediocrethemes format. To turn it of, set the parameter mediocre_plots to FALSE.

Centering text but not title

To center the main text of a slide but keep the title at the top (in a LaTeX beamer fashion), set the class attributes to titled and middle for the slide of interest:

class: titled, middle

# Title at the top

Text vertically centered

Helpful functions for xaringan slides

The following functions are not part of the mediocrethemes package but are very helpful when working with xaringan slides. I compile them here for an easy access.

Continuous updating of the preview

The super-helpful function xaringan::inf_mr() (or the RStudio addin “Infinite Moon Reader”) enables to continuously update the preview of the slides, by only saving the source document.

In this presentation, Alisson Hill gives an excellent introduction to these and many other xaringan features.

Nice transition slides

Xaringanthemer provides nice transition slides that can be created by adding the following lines to your code:

class: inverse, middle, right
count: false

# Title of the transition slide

Here is what these transition slides look like with mediocrethemes:

Two columns

To make two columns in the document, you can use .pull-left[] and .pull-right[]:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


The package renderthis can be used to export the slides. For instance, to export them to pdf, one can use the function renderthis::to_pdf. Setting the parameter partial_slides to TRUE enables to keep the pauses in the export.

As mentioned above, self_contained: true enables to create self-contained html slides.