Mediocre color palette
The `mediocre` palettes provide alternative default colors for ggplots. These functions enable to create such palettes. The main color palettes have been defined using
palette_mediocre_d(pal = "autumn", second_pair = FALSE, gradient = NULL, ...)
palette_mediocre_c(pal = "autumn", gradient = NULL, ...)
- pal
a string. Defines the color palette selected. Can either be either "autumn", "rainbow", "green", "hotcold", "blackandwhite", "coty", "leo", "portal" or "pem"
- second_pair
if true sets an alternative pair of colors for graphs with two colors
- gradient
a string, either "left" or "right". Turns divergent palettes into gradient ones by splitting it in two. If equal to "right", the gradient palette is built with the right hand side part of the divergent palette. If equal to "left", uses the left hand side but flipping so that light values are on the left.
- ...
Other arguments passed on to
, orbinned_scale
to control name, limits, breaks, labels and so forth.
See also
Other color scales:
Other color scales:
#> function (...)
#> {
#> colors_table <- mediocrethemes::colors_table
#> color_theme <- colors_table[which(colors_table$pal == pal),
#> ]
#> mediocre_color_vector <- unlist(strsplit(color_theme[["vector"]],
#> split = ", "))
#> mediocre_color_four <- unlist(strsplit(color_theme[["four_colors"]],
#> split = ", "))
#> if (!is.null(gradient) & !(pal %in% c("green", "blackandwhite"))) {
#> if (gradient == "right") {
#> mediocre_color_vector <- mediocre_color_vector[8:15]
#> }
#> else if (gradient == "left") {
#> mediocre_color_vector <- rev(mediocre_color_vector[1:8])
#> }
#> }
#> if (second_pair) {
#> mediocre_color_four <- rev(mediocre_color_four)
#> }
#> mediocre_pal <- function(n) {
#> if (is.null(gradient)) {
#> if (n == 2) {
#> color_vector <- mediocre_color_four[1:2]
#> }
#> else if (n == 3) {
#> color_vector <- mediocre_color_four[-3]
#> }
#> else if (n == 4) {
#> color_vector <- mediocre_color_four
#> }
#> else {
#> color_vector <- mediocre_color_vector
#> }
#> }
#> else {
#> color_vector <- mediocre_color_vector
#> }
#> the_palette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(color_vector)
#> return(the_palette(n))
#> }
#> ggplot2::discrete_scale(..., aesthetics = c("fill", "color"),
#> scale_name = "disc_scale", palette = mediocre_pal, na.value = "gray91")
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x1051a0a58>
#> <environment: 0x1051a7a88>
palette_mediocre_c(pal = "rainbow")
#> function (...)
#> {
#> colors_table <- mediocrethemes::colors_table
#> color_theme <- colors_table[which(colors_table$pal == pal),
#> ]
#> mediocre_color_vector <- unlist(strsplit(color_theme[["vector"]],
#> split = ", "))
#> if (!is.null(gradient)) {
#> if (gradient == "right") {
#> mediocre_color_vector <- mediocre_color_vector[8:15]
#> }
#> else if (gradient == "left") {
#> mediocre_color_vector <- rev(mediocre_color_vector[1:8])
#> }
#> }
#> ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(..., colors = mediocre_color_vector,
#> aesthetics = c("fill", "color"), na.value = "gray91",
#> guide = guide_colourbar(theme = theme(legend.key.width = unit(5,
#> "cm"), legend.key.height = unit(0.25, "cm"), legend.ticks.length = unit(0.125,
#> "cm"), legend.title.position = "top", legend.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = -0.4,
#> unit = "cm"))))
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x10521cac0>
#> <environment: 0x10521e5f0>